When you were a child have you ever come across to this kind of poem??

Star light, star bright,
first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
have the wish, I wish tonight.
We’ll make a wish, and do as dreamers do,
and all our wishes,
will come true.

Perhaps yeah?? Alright each time before we blow off our birthday candle usually we make wishes and hopefully it will come true. Am I right?  Thats what I usually do. Well in todays post I will be making a list of wishes starting from number 10 until number 1. I’ve been thinking about this list it was as hard as ever since it involves the future. As a future educator we hope for better thing to be implemented in school. In this generation of 21st century, our country Malaysia are still facing some problem in integrating the ICT in school. It’s what I have written in my last post, I was pretty lucky to have or to be in school to do my practicum where the facilities in terms of technology was still in good shape and I was able to use it even though there were some difficulties occurred.

enough of mumbling…


10. Money/ Fund / Modal to ensure that ICT can be implemented

Money / Fund/ Modal is the utmost important. Do you wanna know why? Let’s look at it this way, without money / fund / modal would there be any computers in school? Would there be enough LCD to be used in the school?.After all, Money is CRUCIAL! In implementing ICT in the classroom.

9. One computer One student

Back to my 10th wish list its regarding money when we do have the amount of money/ fun/ modal allocates to the Ministry of Education each student in the school will have their own computer. Let’s reflect back, textbook? Do they share? Nope, so I think by having one student one computer they will have the sense of belonging to the tools and take care of it as if it’s their own stuff.

8. SPBT ?? Why not have SPCR [ Skim Pinjaman Computer Riba)

I’ve been thinking if a textbook can be lend or borrowed [at least the books should be maintained so that it would not be that awful looking]. I don’t know whether its applicable or not may be in future I can try to brought up this matter.[If I have the authority]

7. Fully Equipped Computer Lab – Accessible to all the teachers and students

If I’am not mistaken each school has it’s own computer lab. But then, it is not fully equipped which made it even hard for the teachers to make used of it. Let’s ponder a bit, what if you come into a computer lab the tools that u wanted to use were not there or its broken perhaps. For sure, your teaching and learning process is going to be distracted and delayed. [You don’t want that to happened right?]. Each school should have at least two computer labs that is fully equipped with all the facilities to used for T&L are inside the lab. [Teacher won’t be running around asking for help and save time!]

6. Give subsidies for Maintenance

In school [not only in school] when it is stated [hak kerajaan / goverment property] what I can say is; it is lacked of maintenance. Sadly to say, once it was a new product later it is a broken and cannot be utilized. Most of the computers, LCD, speakers, microscope in my school were not working properly. With the subsidies given especially for maintenance I think we can extend the lifetime of using it.

5. Availability of Internet Connection

MOE can make a deal with Telecommunication Company that has the license to provide wireless, Wi-max, 3g and etc. Perhaps Moe can get a good negotiation on the price and achieve good internet service quality for each school in this country.

4. ICT training and courses for the teacher

Provide enough training and courses for teacher, one of the ways MOE can implement one compulsory course which has the basic knowledge of ICT to the teachers; at least in terms of using Microsoft Office such as Powerpoint. Unfortunately, not all the teachers have the basic knowledge in MS so this is their chance to gain knowledge.

3. Reinforce ICT Module

Reinforce the ICT MODULE that has been implemented by MOE. During my practicum PK Hem, told me to take over a class and she handed me a module which was stated ICT Module, which means it has been implemented but then it depends on the school to make it compulsory or not because it was not included as subject in school.

2. Provide adequate electrical power for the whole school to use.

Before all the ICT gadgets and tools are provided to each school we need to make sure that all the plugs and electrical source are stored to each building in the school. To ensure there would not be shock circuit and black out.

1.Self shifted into ICT culture

In order to gain something we have to sacrifice something. Same goes for My wish list, an action needs to be taken in order for changes to be implemented. Here goes, ICT Culture ready or not we are in the phase to make changes for a better e-education in school.


So here are my top 10 wish list and as promised will be done by me if I am the authority…

Nursharina Binti Azman


much love, enjoy reading!
